Archive for May, 2016

The Flower Tool for Creating Climate Co-Benefits

May 20 2016

The overlapping, interdependent nature of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for some real expert multi-solving skills. Or perhaps just a friendly flower to help us frame…

Competition seeks data-driven solutions for the SDGS

May 18 2016

How can data innovation advance the sustainability of our cities and urban communities? This is the question driving the 2016 Big Ideas…

VISIS: An Open-Source Methodology for Doing Sustainable Development

May 17 2016

When it comes to taking the SDGs from vision to action, having a framework or methodology to work with along that journey is of great…

Sustainable Impact Index helps institutional investors align with the SDGs

May 10 2016

MSCI ESG Research has just introduced tools and data designed to help institutional investors measure their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.  …

Getting the Big Picture of Earth… Every Day

May 04 2016

What does the Earth look like today? In 1968, Apollo astronauts took the first pictures of the whole Earth, the “blue marble,”…

World in 2050 Project Addresses SDGs and Beyond with Integrated Modeling

May 02 2016

Everyone knows the SDGs take us to 2030. But the challenge of sustainable development will certainly not end there. So what happens…