Posts Tagged "All Goals"

17Goals Launch Event in Denmark: 500 + 20 + 1

Oct 07 2015

17 Sustainable Development Goals. More than 500 Danish high school students. 20 simultaneous workshops. And 1 new song, about the SDGs. There…

Perspective: Hard-hitting backlash begins on the SDGs

Oct 04 2015

The honeymoon has been short: hard-hitting attacks and critiques of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals — as well as critiques of…

Perspective: Understanding the “Green Economy” and the SDGs

Oct 02 2015

In this first video Perspective (we will post both written and video Perspectives here), Oliver Greenfield explains why the Green Economy is…

UNEP’s new roadmap to an “inclusive green economy”

Oct 01 2015

If we are going to create a sustainable economy that provides decent jobs for all, without destroying the biosphere, we are going…

Free Book Maps Pathway to Action for the SDGs

Sep 30 2015

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), based in Japan, has published a comprehensive guide to how countries (and how the world)…

“Global Goals” Awakens Privatization Concerns

Sep 30 2015

The NGO-sponsored initiative Global Policy Watch (GPW) has questioned the relationship between the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the “Global Goals,” as…

Sweden Initiates “High-Level Group” of Heads of State for the SDGs

Sep 28 2015

Sweden’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, has initiated the creation of a special working group of nine heads of state, whose purpose is…

Insight Maker: The Systems Thinking Tool for Simulation Modeling

Sep 21 2015

Insight Maker is a powerful web-based systems thinking tool that allows for multi-user modeling and simulation. You can create your own diagrams…

Book: Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows

Sep 16 2015

The book Thinking in Systems, by Donella Meadows, serves as an excellent introduction to systems thinking, and makes for a powerful companion to anyone with a vision for sustainable…

The Systems Thinking Playbook: Games for systems learning

Sep 16 2015

Featuring dozens of games designed for teaching systems principles, The Systems Thinking Playbook, by Linda Booth Sweeney and Dennis Meadows, is a very…