Author Archive

Test Post

Dec 28 2015

This is a test for a video.  

Museum of Tomorrow Invites You to Imagine a More Sustainable Future

Dec 28 2015

What would a “museum of sustainability” look like? Rio de Janeiro has just answered that question. The Brazilian city — home to…

The SDGs in a 1-Minute Video

Dec 26 2015

Here is a good 1-minute video about the Sustainable Development Goals, or “Global Goals,” from the independent United Nations Foundation. The video…

Guide: Scaling Up Green Bonds

Dec 15 2015

“Green bonds” are loans that come with specific “green” conditions. They are issued by public authorities (like cities) or companies when they…

SDSN publishes “Guide to Getting Started”

Dec 14 2015

The global initiative known as the “Sustainable Development Solutions Network” has become a major vehicle for many organizations to collaborate on SDG…

How the Paris Agreement and the SDGs Work Together

Dec 14 2015

As anyone who has read the SDGs knows, Goal 13, “Take urgent action on climate change and its impacts,” has always had…

FEEDBACK, PLEASE! Take our user survey

Dec 10 2015

We are planning big things for 2016 with 17Goals … but we need your feedback now, to help us improve. Are we…

Games4Sustainability: Teaching, Learning, and Practicing Sustainability through Serious Games

Dec 09 2015

Why not have a little fun while learning about sustainability? Games4Sustainability offers access to free, “serious games” that allow users to learn and practice sustainability…

Video: Integrated Landscape Management and the SDGs

Dec 09 2015

The interlinked nature of the Sustainable Development Goals always invokes the question of how we can ensure that the achievement of one goal doesn’t…

Dancing to the SDGs: New Music Video

Dec 04 2015

For 17Goals visitors … Here is a preview of our new music video, with a song by Alan AtKisson, written for 17Goals.…