Author Archive

Getting the Big Picture of Earth… Every Day

May 04 2016

What does the Earth look like today? In 1968, Apollo astronauts took the first pictures of the whole Earth, the “blue marble,”…

World in 2050 Project Addresses SDGs and Beyond with Integrated Modeling

May 02 2016

Everyone knows the SDGs take us to 2030. But the challenge of sustainable development will certainly not end there. So what happens…

The Oslo Manifesto: Design and Architecture for the SDGs

Apr 27 2016

When the 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals they also, by extension, created…

Pocket Guide to the Paris Agreement

Apr 22 2016

The European Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI) has just published a pocket guide to the Paris Agreement, summarizing the key provisions of the treaty.…

17 Actions You Can Take Right Now for the SDGs

Apr 22 2016

For the past 46 years, April 22 has been celebrated around the world as Earth Day— a day that reminds us to…

UNITAR Releases Massive Open Online Course on the 2030 Agenda

Apr 17 2016

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) has just launched a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the 2030 Agenda and…

New Version of DESA SDG Partnership Platform Now Live

Apr 07 2016

The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has now launched the full version of their SDG Partnerships platform, which serves…

New Paragon Partnership Brings Together Big Industry Players to Generate Insights and Tackle SDGs

Apr 05 2016

A new open platform called Paragon Partnerships has recently been created by a group of key industry players and research bodies, with the mission of generating…

Webinar: Beyond SDG Indicators

Apr 03 2016

If you’re interested in learning about the vital role integrated assessment plays in moving the SDGs into the mainstream, you may want…

Competition for Young Entrepreneurs Promotes Innovation for SDGs

Mar 25 2016

The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition invites young people (aged 15-35) from all around the world to submit innovative ideas and projects that champion and implement…