Hip Hop Music Video Teaches Young People About the SDGs

June 21, 2016
Editor @17Goals

Do you know all 17 Sustainable Development Goals by heart yet?

Here comes a new musical way to help you remember— in the form of a hip hop music video called “Sustainable Development Goals: Improve Life All Around The Globe.”

Produced by the United Nations Department of Public Information in cooperation with Flocabulary,  the song covers all 17 goals and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation. The music video was launched on June 13 to mark the 100-day https://www.glenerinpharmacy.com/buy-generic-cialis-online/ countdown to the International Day of Peace.

The primary aim of the production is to reach out to young people around the world and teach them about the SDGs and how they can take action to help create peace. The song is available in all six official UN languages. Learn more here.

Watch the Video:


Enjoy learning about the SDGs in a musical way? Check out the “We Love the SDGs” music video too. 

Tags: All Goals,