Posts Tagged "Goal6"

Games4Sustainability: Teaching, Learning, and Practicing Sustainability through Serious Games

Dec 09 2015

Why not have a little fun while learning about sustainability? Games4Sustainability offers access to free, “serious games” that allow users to learn and practice sustainability…

How do Animal Genetics Relate to the SDGs?

Nov 11 2015

The course began by offering a broad perspective on the sustainable use of animals, and presenting an overview of the SDGs. [Note:…

India Villages Use HDI and Footprint to Achieve Multiple Goals

Oct 31 2015

Just as the Sustainable Development Goals are setting targets for national governments around the world, many development organizations seek metrics to measure…

SIWI: Creating a Water-Wise World

Sep 23 2015

If you want to delve into water issues, the Stockholm International Water Institute is a great place to start. Our friends at SIWI…