The Flower Tool for Creating Climate Co-Benefits

May 20, 2016
Editor @17Goals

The overlapping, interdependent nature of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for some real expert multi-solving skills. Or perhaps just a friendly flower to help us frame our thinking?

Climate Interactive‘s FLOWER is a great addition to the SDG toolkit, providing a visual Framework for LOng-term Whole-system, Equity-based Reflection. The framework was originally developed to assist researchers in their search for systemic solutions that protect the climate, while also simultaneously improving areas such as equality, health, and well-being.

“After using FLOWER for a while, we noticed that it helped people think critically about their own strategies and visions. It helped people explore the vast array of climate solutions that have the power to help protect the climate AND create a better world.” – Elizabeth Sawin, co-director of Climate Interactive.

flowerThe center of the flower represents a longterm benefit for the climate and ecosystems, while the petals represent six common types of co-benefits that occur while protecting the environment: Food and Water; Jobs and Assets; Health, Wellbeing and Safety; Connection; Energy, Industry and Mobility; and Resilience.

During a problem solving process, a blank FLOWER diagram is used as an evaluation tool for potential solutions. Individual petals are shaded in when co-benefits are identified. The result is a visual aid for evaluating the distribution of benefits and trade-offs of a given solution— as well as a great starting point for conversation.

You would be sooooo wrong if you said thisdrug had no side effects… Argument is useless here, each doctor recommends one thing and each patient finds it different. Some say that the drug is very good for them and some claim its terrible. Well, I say…. Not only did it give me cellulite, but I also put on 13 kilos of flesh in less than 3 months. And still I have no complaints of Accutane – it’s done well.

To learn more about the FLOWER and how to use it, visit:

The site offers a free diagram download, detailed instructions, and examples of the FLOWER in action.



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