SDSN publishes “Guide to Getting Started”

December 14, 2015
Editor @17Goals

SDSN-GettingStartedGuide-coverThe global initiative known as the “Sustainable Development Solutions Network” has become a major vehicle for many organizations to collaborate on SDG implementation. SDSN — which has a long list of big names behind it — is growing, building new offices, continuing to establish itself as an indispensable institution.

Their latest offering is a general guide to the SDGs, — covering the history of the goals, their use as a planning framework, and how governments and others can start http://unsdsn.orgimplementing them. The document version of the guide, Getting Started with the Sustainable Development Goals, comes in several languages. Written at university level, it is especially pitched at universities as well, though businesses, governments, and civic groups are also named as part of the core audience.

Use this excellent guide for a basic orientation to the world of SDG policy and planning. But note a couple of small points: the guide refers often to the “SDG Agenda” (in capital letters), which is not formally correct. The SDGs are part of a UN document called 2030 Agenda; there is not “SDG Agenda”. Also note that SDSN is not formally part of the UN, even though its website address,, makes it sound like a UN agency.

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